Radiant Results
When you think about your complexion, do you use words like “radiant” or “luminous”? If not, maybe it’s time to get back to basics. Our skin is our own little superhero… defending against bacteria, pollution, viruses, and a bunch of villains that can take a toll and show on your face. When your skin is normal, things are good, but when this barrier is damaged a whole host of problems ensue. Sun damage, rough dry texture, and premature aging are just a few examples what can happen without a healthy skin barrier. Unfortunately, we often do damage to our skin ourselves. Contact us today on how we can help you become "radiant!"
All photos below
are actual results from
Dr. Turner's patients
Circumferential Reduction
Second photo is after
only 3 treatments!
Before and after treatment
Laser Skin Tightening for crow's feet and sagging lid
Second photo is after
only 6 treatments!
Sublime Skintightening
Second photo taken immediately after Radiesse injections
Botox and Radiesse®
Before and after treatment
Botox and Radiesse®
Before and after treatment
Second photo taken after
8 weeks of application
Second photo taken
after treatment
Second photo taken
after treatment
Before and after treatment
Radiesse® & Restylane
Before and after treatment
Radiesse® & Restylane
Before and after treatment
Elós Plus Laser System®
Second photo taken
after treatment
Elós Plus Laser System®
Second photo taken after
just one IPL treatment!
Total Transformation
Total transformation includes prescription skincare, botox
and fillers